Friday, March 13, 2020

Important Vitamin Supplements You Should Consider

Eye supplements are dietary supplements containing vitamins and other nutrients which have been shown to be helpful for supporting eye health and good vision as per studies.
Common conditions can impact your eyes, such as diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts. Although these conditions are caused by a variety of different factors, nutrition supplements can make a difference. 
Today, we have listed down the top vitamins you need to keep your eye health in check.
Vitamin A 
Without sufficiently high levels of vitamin A, the conjunctiva may grow a white spot called a Bitot's mark, which is usually clear. Deficiency of vitamin A may impair night vision and lead to blindness, though that is uncommon in the United States.
Most cases of vitamin A deficiency are easily treated with the right vitamin supplements. If you are a dietary supplement marketing company, it is important to choose an US Based supplement manufacturer. 
Natural food: Carrots – they contain beta carotene which is absorbed by the body and is transformed into Vitamin A, egg yolks, liver, broccoli, leafy vegetables and cheese are also a good source of Vitamin A. 
Vitamin C: 
A rich diet containing vitamin C has been shown to reduce the risk of progressing cataracts. Unfortunately, cataracts that occur naturally with age cannot be completely avoided, but eating foods high in vitamin C can delay their onset and keep the cataracts from getting worse.
The supplements for AREDS use vitamin C and several other nutrients which may benefit those with AMD. When taken daily, one study suggests that AREDS can reduce the risk of progressing this condition by 25 percent. 

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Vitamin C forms collagen, a protein which gives your eyes structure. Observational studies suggest this vitamin could protect against cataracts and help prevent AMD progression.
Citrus and tropical fruits, bell peppers, broccoli and kale contain particularly large amounts of vitamin C, making them excellent choices for improving your daily intake.
Vitamin E: 
Some eye problems are thought to be associated with oxidative stress, which is an imbalance between antioxidants and free radicals in your body. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that helps protect your eye cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are dangerous, unstable molecules.
Nuts, seeds and cooking oils are some of the vitamin-E-rich options. Also good sources of salmon, avocado, and leafy green vegetables.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
When it comes to omega-3 fatty acids found in fish like tuna, mackerel and salmon, flaxseed oil, walnuts and all green leafy vegetables, Americans don't consume enough. DHA, a type of omega 3 fatty acid, has a role to play in reducing inflammation and helping cells heal and regenerate in the retina following damage from light exposure and aging.

If you are a startup selling on Amazon or established marketers selling to big-box retailers, NutraPak USA is a US Based Supplement Manufacturer providing highest quality of raw materials and the finest packing, packaging, warehousing, dietary supplement marketing and shipping facilities in the industry. All with a high level of customer service for private label distributors and contract manufacturers, and extremely competitive pricing. Contact us today to get a quote! 


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